The seven biggest money market funds used the Fed’s overnight repo facility to help boost their assets by 50% in just 18 months, while bank deposits have plunged. Now, with quantitative tightening, their strategy is changing.
Continue reading..The seven biggest money market funds used the Fed’s overnight repo facility to help boost their assets by 50% in just 18 months, while bank deposits have plunged. Now, with quantitative tightening, their strategy is changing.
Continue reading..The biggest US banks amassed $2.2 trillion of government and mortgage bond investments, but now the portfolios are underwater and banks must hold them to avoid recording losses. This will have a lasting effect on deposits and the impact of Fed policy.
Continue reading..Emerging market nations may struggle to repay debt in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. And for many the biggest lender is China, as a new visualisation shows.
Continue reading..Frontier market sovereigns are splurging on new borrowing just as investors are cooling on the asset class. A Risky Finance visualisation tool identifies the countries you need to watch.
Continue reading..Government bond yields in November have been characterised by a steepening trend as the impact of Donald Trump’s election victory sinks in. With globalisation in retreat, and borrowing likely to increase, long-term bond yields may rise further.
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The bank may look profitable to shareholders, but ...
Bond investors have started to notice France's pol...