The S&P 500 index added $5 trillion of market cap this year, led by its biggest members. The trend is accelerating wealth inequality.
Continue reading..The S&P 500 index added $5 trillion of market cap this year, led by its biggest members. The trend is accelerating wealth inequality.
Continue reading..QE has driven corporate pension liabilities sky-high, and MPs are considering softening inflation-linked promises amid complaints over generational inequality. But British companies’ ever-increasing dividends makes such a move politically tricky.
Continue reading..In 2015, size equalled success in the stock market. But did benchmarking make this a self-fulfilling prophecy? Let’s start by looking at the market capitalisation of S&P 500 companies at the end of the year, with colours according to price change.
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The bank may look profitable to shareholders, but ...
Bond investors have started to notice France's pol...